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The Runner's Guide to Hawaii

The Runner's Guide to Hawaii will be the complete source of running-related
information for the entire state of Hawaii.

In it you will find the following types of information:

Where to Run
The best trails and routes on all islands
How to get there
Where to park
Where to buy shoes and other stuff
Where and when to race
When to register
How to stay cool & other safety tips
Travel information

We want to hear from you. What are your favorites?

What is your favorite race? Why?
What are your favorite running routes?
Do you have a favorite anecdote, poem or quote
that helps convey the joy of running in Hawaii?
Do you have a favorite pre-run restaurant or recipe?
We would also love to publish your running-related photographs.
If you have any photos that you feel help describe a route or race, send them!**

* Proper credit will be given for all written submissions and/or photographs.
** Every effort will be made to return your photos in the condition in which they are received.


Send your submissions, along with your name, address, and phone number to:

The Runner's Guide to Hawaii
c/o 7429 Allan Ave.
Falls Church, VA 22046

e-mail: The Runner's Guide, c/o MPRRC